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What the Press is Saying About BNI

Quotes From the World-Wide Media.....

See some of the great comments we have gathered about BNI from the many different print media sources below:

The New York Times

"We've had some tremendous stories. There is a printer in our group who met a real estate agent. That agency wanted to switch its printing and gave him this job...It was more than a $100,000 job."

The Charlotte Observer

"BNI dominates the networking market... A South Trust Bank loan officer in Charlotte says he expects about $1 million in business this year, almost all through BNI referrals."

The Denver Post

"Ivan Misner [Founder of BNI] says, Word-of-Mouth marketing is a lot like farming, it's based on slow, nurturing care."

Arizona Business Gazette

"Word-of-Mouth referrals are powerful... you have to learn that giving others business leads will encourage them to direct business your way, too, when there’s an opportunity. Members bring business leads for other members every week."

The New Zealand Herald

"Word-of-Mouth may be one of the oldest forms of advertising but a new variation on the theme is producing remarkable results for businesses...What we are doing is putting in place a structure and training people to network."

Los Angeles Times

"Networking is far from peaking...[People] need to network to get business."

The Wall Street Journal

"With many small businesses scrambling to weather the recession, the networking business is thriving... Business people realize that in this tough economy they’ve got to do some extra things."

Business Weekly

"Business Network Int’l... an organization that offers highly motivated business people a weekly no-nonsense breakfast meeting that virtually guarantees them customer leads."

The Milwaukee Business Journal

"BNI, a networking organization whose chief purpose is to produce sales referrals for its members...they are here to help you make money."

The Indianapolis Star

"Quality people tend to deal with quality people."

Fort-Worth Star Telegram

"The group has become one of the largest networking organizations in the country...Networking and bringing members sales referrals is the purpose of the group...Members commit to showing up to the weekly meetings with 'hot' sales referrals for other members."

Baltimore Business Journal

"Business owners dedicated to helping each other every week with generating sales referrals...The members are your sales force as well as your customers...Not just a coffee clatch...If you join a group like this, you are joining to generate business referrals."

Boston Business Journal

"It’s the value of the seat that attracts people... BNI gives a structured format for referral passing."

Las Vegas Sun

"BNI, a business contacts generating organization...generate contacts for thousands of business [people] who need networking to grow."

The Tampa Tribune

"This is a way for people to give referrals to each other... a 15 member BNI chapter generates 45 to 50 monthly business referrals for members... With 30 members the number triples."

Barbados Advocate

"BNI", the largest networking organization in the world...if you increase the number of people you know you're bound to increase your business, James Cruickshank... BNI is a great way for businesses to experience growth by duplicating their marketing efforts through "word of mouth."

San Francisco Business Times

"To make the most of business mixers, take these tips from... BNI."

The London Times

"If you believe that most business comes through networking with whom you know - then BNI is for you."

The Australian Financial Review

"After just a year of operating in Australia, the other Down Under chapters of BNI are all reporting accelerating business results, due to their weekly breakfast meetings."

Weekend Argus South Africa

"The BNI philosophy can be summed up in two words, 'Givers Gain', the more people you help grow their business, the more business you get in return... Members are generally so motivated and inspired that they have an edge over their competitors."

Dagens industri Sweden

"Personal marketing with word-of-mouth must be planned in the same way as advertising and internet usually are...BNI is an important part...The contact between people is becoming more important for the success in business, it is easier to do business with the people you know and who trust you, Dr. Ivan Misner Founder and CEO of BNI."

The Latest News Israel

There are very few differences between business people in Israel, England, Canada, Asia, and the United States. People are joining BNI in Israel to develop their businesses, develop relations with other business people and professionals. The motto of BNI in Israel is "'HaNotein M' Kabel' which means 'Givers Gain'."

The Globe and Mail

"The number of referrals I've gotten just from the group is incredible, Nancy Oliveria...The meetings follow a standard format because group members don't want them to become a chatty social event."

Fingal Independent Ireland

"Working under the philosophy of 'Givers Gain', the launch of BNI heralds an opportunity for local entrepreneurs to develop and exchange business with their counterparts."


"A structured Word-of-Mouth marketing program that turns people into sales representatives for your company."

The Boston Globe

"In 1994, based on more than 300,000 referrals, BNI accounted for $105 million worth of new business [for its members]."

The Economic Times

"The best bet for many young entrepreneurs often is to participate in forums that are provided by business networking professionals like Business Network International (BNI) . . ."




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